42 Résultats
Supporting LGBTQI Newcomers with Ethics and Care
When LGBTQI newcomers arrive in Canadian cities they encounter an often confusing range of social attitudes, from open celebration and expectations to be out, loud and proud through intolerance, discrimination and threat. Their efforts to rebuild lives--find housing, search for jobs and meaningful work, form new relationships and belong, are complicated by the combined and intersecting impacts of racism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia and transphobia. How can we support LGBTQI newcomers to navigate this complex terrain? This webinar presents examples of some common struggles LGBTQI newcomers face, and explores them through the lens of ethical care. We underline the importance of upholding ethical commitments to respect self-determination, protect the right to confidentiality and privacy, and to offer competent care. Who is this webinar for: • Staff, volunteers and managers in settlement agencies or community agencies that support LGBTQI newcomers • Trainers of volunteers in agencies -
Guide à l’intention des prestataires de services qui interviennent auprès des personnes trans+ et non-binaires migrantes et réfugiées
TéléchargerCe guide s’adresse aux prestataires de services qui travaillent dans un rôle d’accompagnement des personnes trans+ et non-binaires migrantes et réfugiées. Il est conçu comme une boîte à outils contenant des informations et des ressources pour les aider. Comme pour toute autre communauté, les défis peuvent évoluer avec le temps, en fonction des circonstances, comme nous l’avons constaté pendant le COVID-19. Il est important que les prestataires de services continuent à se former pour rester à jour. Les prestataires de services qui soutiennent les personnes trans+ et non-binaires migrantes et réfugiées travaillent dans diverses institutions telles que les hôpitaux, les cliniques médicales, les cliniques juridiques, les organisations, les écoles de langues pour les personnes nouvellement arrivées, les banques alimentaires, les refuges, etc. Les prestataires de services tels que les travailleur·euses sociaux·les, les assistant·es sociaux·les, les infirmier·es, les médecins, les psychologues et les réceptionnistes peuvent utiliser ce guide pour fournir des services plus appropriés aux personnes trans+ et non-binaires migrantes et réfugiées, afin de contribuer positivement à leur bien-être et à leur qualité de vie. -
TéléchargerThis guide by AGIR is primarily addressed to professionals working in any role supporting trans+ and non-binary immigrants and refugees. It is intended as a toolkit that contains information and resources to assist them. As for any other community, the challenges could change with time, depending on circumstances, as we have majorly witnessed in the example of COVID-19. It is important that professionals continue educating themselves to stay up to date. Professionals supporting trans+ and non-binary immigrants and refugees work in diverse institutions like hospitals, health clinics, legal clinics, organizations, language schools for newcomers, foodbanks, shelters, etc. Professionals such as social workers, case workers, nurses, doctors, psychologists, and receptionists can use this guide to provide more appropriate services to trans+ and non-binary refugees and immigrants, to ultimately positively contribute to their wellbeing and quality of life. Nonetheless, we think this guide will be useful to anyone in any profession who wants to improve their services for trans+ and non-binary immigrants and refugees.